Monday, April 11, 2011

Melinda Delahoyde on 'The Snowballing Culture of Life'

What a year this has been so far - abortion has been in the headlines almost every day! The culture of life seems to be snowballing...on the one hand, pregnancy centers are growing in effectiveness and prominence. Lives are being saved every day and the power of the beauty of human life as revealed through ultrasound is having an impact on hearts and minds.

On the other hand, there's a growing awareness of the horrific business of abortion. Undercover videos of Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, suggest that the organization covered up the trafficking of minors in the sex trade.

In other news, a former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson has left the organization and has launched a campaign to expose the organization for its practices. When she was a director, she was pressured to increase the number of abortions at her clinic in order to improve the bottom line.

As a result of this growing opposition to abortion, the House of Representatives voted earlier this year to defund Planned Parenthood.

While this culture of life gains momentum, Care Net President wrote a powerful and exciting article about the "snowballing culture of life" on American Family Association's news site,
For every person, there's a time in life when you face a crisis of belief, when what you thought was right all along now starts to give you pause. For those who have long thought Planned Parenthood was the answer to the community's issues involving unexpected pregnancies, now is that time... 
To read her full artilce, visit!