Monday, January 4, 2010

Planned Parenthood Sees Abortion Growth

Upon returning to work today after the holidays, Care Net was greeted with the following disconcerting news about abortion increases around the globe last year:

"International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) recently released its annual performance report for 2008-2009. Despite an economic downturn and a slight decrease in annual income, the abortion industry giant boasts of increased activity across all of its lines of work, including condom distribution, advocacy and abortion services." Read full article.

Apparently while the organization's income has decreased, its abortion business is really growing.

This news just reminds all of us here at Care Net and in pregnancy centers across this nation (and the globe) of one thing: we must recommit ourselves to the compassionate lifesaving ministry of reaching out, one woman at a time, with hope, help, and practical resources. We must use creativity with our minimal resources to counter the Goliath the abortion industry has become. And we must continue to pray and never give up.

With God's help, Care Net is refrehesed and ready to go in the new year. Will you join us?